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3 Tomato Varieties for Container Gardens
If you have limited gardening space, tomato container gardens are a great alternative. Thanks to their small footprint, pots and other containers offer an ideal and creative way to get your gardening fix no matter where you…

Secret Nester Bird Habitat
The Secret Nester Bird Habitat is designed to provide a safe and comfortable habitat for small birds, helping to protect them from harsh weather conditions and predators.

Flea Market Garden Style
Since warmer weather has finally arrived here in the northland, it’s time to get out and go Junkin! I love spending a day wandering through junk shops and flea markets. And don’t even get me started on…

Blooming Success: The Benefits of Using a Flower Garden Planner
Designing the garden of your dreams takes time and effort. The concept might seem easy – planting and watering plants doesn’t look like a challenging job. However, it takes more than what meets the eye to create…

Hey There! I’m Laurie. My passion is gardening – but yes, I wear snow pants and wool three quarters of the year. I live in northern MN on the beautiful shores of Lake Superior. Visit my About page to learn more about gardening and life in the Northland.